
Is transportation required?

If your ceremony and reception is taking place at the same venue you may not require transportation. Generally speaking, if each event it taking place at different locations then you’ll defiantly require to explore your transportation options.

Plan Ahead and Book Early

You should consider booking transportation at least 6 months ahead especially if your wedding is during peak season. It’s ideal to inspect your chosen vehicle in person before locking it in.

Who should you transport?

Take into consideration members from your immediate family and bridal party that will require transportation on the day. You may consider transporting all your guest if distance, location and special needs are factors that need to be considered. Although, your budget will be the final decider.

How long do you the service for?

Work out your timeline and locations for the day. Do you require a full days service or pick up and drop off only? Be sure to check out the packages available that suit your needs and budget.

Plan ahead

Give detailed information of timelines and locations to your driver, guests and suppliers. Speak to your photographer and videographer of possible site locations that you’ll visit on the day and forward the information onto your driver as well. Experienced companies will factor in any public events, weather, traffic and alternative routes to take if issues arise.

Make the most of it

It’s a special day and you’re riding with your loved ones in a fancy vehicle. Celebrating along the way to your destinations can be fun and stress free. Pop the champagne!